domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

Picky Picnic - Kuru Kuru World (1989)

Picky Picnic is a Japanese band from the 80s, part of that same movement that musically united The Residents, Renaldo & the Loaf, Der Plan, and Ptôse over the distances.
They made a specialty of “family” choruses, as if recorded in their kitchen at lunch time. A visual equivalent could be the “My Neighbours The Yamada” anime, which brings as much poetry through false simplicity.  
The band only released one LP. A few cassettes (generally copies of copies) also circulated over the world from hand to hand, at a time when cassette switching was particularly developed within underground communities (see Thurston Moore’s passionate article in Wire on switching Japanese tapes).
It has been alleged that the band ceased its activities when a member was convicted of drug usage by the Japanese police, and given a jail sentence.


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